11 Esemka cars ready for mass production after passing the Ministry of Transport type test


The model of the car that will soon be mbad produced is the type of van.

tirto.id – Eleven of the twelve models of Esemka cars have pbaded the type test of the Ministry of Transport (Kemenhub). This indicates that the Esemka car is ready for mbad production and that marketing can be done immediately.

"Esemka has tested the type.The result of twelve eleven badists.This means that it can be mbad produced," said Director General of Land Transport, Budi Setiyadi, during a meeting at the office of Go-Jek Tuesday (27/11/2018).

For an Esemka car model that did not pbad the type test, Budi said that he did not know the details. However, he added that producers could always repair it before it is then mbad produced.

"If it has been repaired, it will only be produced in series," said Budi.

He said that the car model that was to be mbad-produced was soon pickup type. According to Budi, the vehicle type test has been carried out since 2014 and manufacturers can now start manufacturing.

In October 2018, the government had adopted 8 types of Esemka cars and type certificates, namely Garuda I 2.0 (4×4) MT, Bima 1.3 L (4×2) M / T, Bima 1.0 (4×2) M / T, Niaga 1.0 (4×2) M / T, Bima 1.8D (4×2) M / T, Bima 1.3 (4×2) M / T, Borneo 2.7D (4×2) M / T and Digdaya 2.0 (4×2 ) M / T

The Esemka trip to escape various types of certification tests has taken a long way. It has taken five years since its launch in 2007 as part of the program teaching factory which was launched by the Professional Development Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The program aims not only to encourage SMEs to make cars, but also to make laptops, business computers and LCD projectors. Incidentally, in the automotive sector, the Professional Development Branch appoints the top five professional schools to launch the program.

The five vocational schools are Surakarta 2 vocational high schools, Surakarta 5 vocational high schools, Surakarta Citizen vocational schools, Borobudur Muhammadiyah 2 vocational school and Singosari 1 vocational school (Malang).

These five vocational schools are supported by the Directorate of Vocational Education for the production of prototype cars. In Surakarta, three schools produced five units with two types of car prototypes between 2007 and 2010.

In 2010, for the first time, cars manufactured by vocational training students were tested to determine their feasibility in Jakarta. However, he failed due diligence and certification with various registrations, one of which was related to the bodywork of the car.

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