17 Lion Air passengers identified again, here is their identity


17 Lion Air PK-LQP pbadengers were identified again. In addition, the total number of people identified increases to 44 people.

"The results of the reconciliation session of Tuesday, November 6 at 5:30 pm WIB, at Bhayangkara hospital of Soekanto hospital, were recorded 17 Part of the body which has been declared identified, "said Commissioner Triawan Marsudi, deputy chief of operations of the National Police Team (DVI), at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital in East Jakarta on Tuesday. 06/11/2018

Part of the body the identified ones are:

1. Wahyu Aldilla, a 32 year old man through fingerprints
2. Ubaidillah Salabi, a 55-year-old man with fingerprints
3. Imam Riyanto, a 44-year-old man with fingerprints
4. Mawar Sariati, 39 year old woman through fingerprints
5. Tesa Kausar, 37 year old man through fingerprints
6. Cosa Rianda Sahab, a 39-year-old man living with DNA
7. Dony, a 45 year old man by DNA
8. Daniel Suharja Wijaya, a 30-year-old man by DNA
9. Herjuna Darpito, 47 years old man by DNA
10. Nurul Dyah Ayu SR, a 54-year-old woman by DNA
11. Paul Ferdinan Ayorbaba is a 43 year old man who owns DNA.
12. Rabagus Noerwito, 26 year old man via DNA
13. Martono, a 35 year old man by DNA
14. Ariawan Komardy, 37 years old by DNA
15. Dr. Ibnu Fajar Riyadi, 33 years old man through DNA
16. Matthew Bongkal, 13 years old by DNA
17. Mack Stanley, a 31 year old man through the DNA

The 12 bodies were identified by DNA and 5 others by fingerprint. Triawan also mentioned that a total of 44 bodies including 33 men and 11 women had been identified.

(zap / dhn)

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