2018 World Cup – Didier Deschamps Challenge Kylian Mbappe World Champion twice


The French coach hailed Mbappe's performance and expects the 19-year-old athlete to win a new World Cup in the future.

Didier Deschamps supports Kylian Mbappe to defeat the feats of his predecessors in France by winning the World Cup for the second time.

Mbappe scored in France's 4-2 victory over Croatia in Moscow to become the second-youngest player after Pele World Cup Deschamps said he hoped there would be more to success in 19 years.

Juxtaposing the young man with the striker of the team that he led for the triumph of the World Cup in 1998, Deschamps showed David Trezeguet and Thierry Henry "Mbappe no. "That's only 19 years old and I hope he'll become world champion again," Deschamps said at a post-game press conference. "He did so much … Twenty years ago, Trezeguet and Henry did not become champions of the world anymore."

In addition to being the youngest scorer in the World Cup final, Mbappe became the youngest scorer of the World Cup. ]

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