2018 World Cup: Equal points in Senegal, Japan escapes fair play


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Japan beat Poland in the last Group H match of the 2018 World Cup at Volgograd Arena, Volgograd, Russia, Thursday, June 28, 2018. Nevertheless, the Blue team Samurai remains qualified for the round of 16. [19659002FinallyFinancialGroupHeJaponhbadtwoyearswhenColombiardtainer1-0ofSenegals'requestheEighthninthfinalsandwasqualifiedfortheighthsoffinal

Japan and Senegal both have the same goal difference. The two teams shot 2-2 in the match of Group H.

But Japan deserves to qualify on the basis of the calculation of "fair play" which counts amongst others among the number of yellow cards. Japan was the first team to be eliminated by the new method "fair play points" of the 2018 World Cup. Excluded, they do not make African teams in the round of 16. This is the first time since the big 16 system was used in 1982.

Japan became the only Asian representative in the last 16 of the 2018 World Cup.


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