2018 World Cup – Mario Basler: Mesut Ozil players "overrated"


Critics again hit Mesut Ozil, while Germany was eliminated in the 2018 World Cup group stage.

Germans continued to maltreat, marginally eliminated in the group stage phases of the 2018 World Cup despite the defending champions. South Korea's 0 Wednesday (27/6) night local time, so the cause. Die Mannschaft was marginalized as the main goalkeeper of the Group F final standings thanks to a three-point collection.

This big fall inevitably led some big German stars to defeat, failing to repeat their brilliant performance. Last year

  Mesut Ozil confronts Germany fan

The attacking midfielder, Mesut Ozil, is the most highlighted. The Arsenal player was even seen a war with German fans after the defeat of South Korea.

The former penggawa of the German national team, Mario Basler, and then agree with the public opinion. Ozil calls him an overrated player playing as a dead frog, and not worthy of being a leader.

"I say again and again, for me Ozil is an exaggerated gamer." Ozil is not the leader he wants, the players do not give 100 percent and none of them does not deserve to be a leader. for them to re-wear jersey Germany again, "he said with irritation.

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