2018 World Cup: Not Germany usually, pathetic!


jpnn.comMOSCOW – German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer admits he and his colleagues deserve to be eliminated from the 2018 World Cup.

"We play unconvincingly in any match, it's not Germany we know, it's sad," said Neuer as reported on the Daily Mail page. .

The Bayern Munich goalkeeper has also criticized the commitment of the German players.

"Although we qualify for the next round, we will also be eliminated," said Neuer.

Neuer himself became one of the scapegoats of Germany's defeat in the Kazan Arena match on Wednesday (27/6) night local time.

He played a major role in the final goals scored by Son Heungmin in South Korea when the match came in the 97th minute.

At that time, Neuer who helped seranga just lost the ball.

The South Korean players then send the ball to the independent son in the German defense.

Son was not hard to tear the nets of the German goal. Another goal scored by Kim Younggwon in the 94th minute. (saf / jpc / jpnn)

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