2018 World Cup – Whisker Rami Be a lucky French charmer


Antoine Griezmann until coach Didier Deschamps even touched Rami's mustache before the World Cup final as he was supposed to bring good fortune.

Adil Rami has never been revealed at this 2018 World Cup, but the French defender remains considered playing an important role behind the championship of his country.

France was the best in Russia after beating Croatia 4-2 The finals were held last night at the Luzhniki Stadium (15/7), Rami was not played by the coach Didier Deschamps.

Although the 32-year-old defender was not involved in the squad, Rami and his mustache became a separate amulet for The Blues because almost every penggawa l? touched before going down to the finals.

"Antoine Griezmann touched [kumis] before the match, and even the manager did it to bring luck," Rami told TF1 after the match.

"It is now a famous mustache in France.I will not shave it."

France and "the strange ritual" are no longer a novelty, because 20 years ago , Laurent Blanc kissed bald-headed goalkeeper Fabien Barthez, also carrying good luck

. Decided to withdraw from the international scene with a total of caps up to 35 times.

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