3 reasons to watch the "encounter" of the Korean drama


(Park Bo Gum and Song Hye Kyo in the Korean drama Encounter / Soompi)

Uzone.id – There are many new Korean dramas that are aired in November, one of which Meet. The series tells the story of Cha Soo Hyun, who has never been able to make a decision for his own life, and Kim Jin Hyuk, a free – spirited man.

Quote Soompi, these are three reasons why you should watch Meet.

The opposing character played by Song Hye Kyo and Park Bo Gum

Who does not know Song Hye Kyo and Park Bo Gum? Two stars of South Korea do not doubt their ability to act.

Read: Song Hye Kyo shows compbadion in Korean drama, here is Song Joong Ki's commentary

In Encounter, Song Hye Kyo will play Cha Soo Hyun, a charismatic and gentle woman. He is the head of the Dong Hwa hotel who still leads the life planned by others as the daughter of a politician.

Meanwhile, Park Bo Gum plays Kim Jin Hyuk, who still lives an ordinary life but is happy and positive. He appreciates what he has.

There are two main characters who live different lives. In this series, you can see how they change under the influence of each other and establish a closer relationship.

Read: Song Hye Kyo and Park Bo Gum talk about the "encounter", the Korean drama that is bucking

Detailed cinematography and Cuban background

Who does not know Park Shin Woo? He is an important person behind many famous series such as Do not dare to dream (incarnate jealousy), Angel Eyes, Queen of ambitionand Ghost.

This time, Park Shin Woo is here to become a director Meet. In his hand, this series tells in detail with a beautiful cinematography.

Read: Filming of the film "The Encounter" with the Korean drama in Cuba, This says Song Hye Kyo and Park Bo Gum

Interestingly, this is the first Korean drama of Cuban origin. In the interior MeetCha Soo Hyun and Kim Jin Hyuk met by chance in Cuba, North America.

Melodrama that arouses emotions

Encounter is a melodrama that focuses on romantic love stories. Stories and characters are poetically developed. The Korean drama should touch and satisfy the desire of the public's love.

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