3 ways to stay fit and healthy in old age


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Everyone wants to be fit and healthy in the past. So, the health becoming an investment in old age must start now. So, what should be prepared?

Read also: Healthy aging, get ready since the age of 40

Susan Bowerman, Senior Director of Nutrition Education and Training Worldwide, said for her part that health starts with maintaining a diet. According to him, eat a habit that can be formed every day. Determining the type and portion of food can create good habits useful for life.

"Those who have bad and sudden eating habits decide to change their lifestyle to adopt healthier habits, claiming to have difficulties.This is because they are accustomed to the established eating habits of decades ago" , did he declare.

Susan's review was reinforced by the results of the survey "Healthy Aging in the Asia-Pacific Region" conducted in August 2018. The survey of 5,500 people aged 40 years and over in 11 countries revealed that 71% of respondents in Indonesia thought that it was necessary to change early healthy lifestyle help them manage time aging those in good health.

In fact, 90% of Indonesian respondents said they were aware and took positive steps to combat aging. Susan then recommends 3 simple steps to staying healthy in old age. What are you doing

# 1. Maintain bone health
"While being young, strengthen your bones by consuming calcium through food (about 1,000 mg per day) and regular bodybuilding, both of which are important for building bone mbad." can be done optimally when you are young, "said Susan.

# 2. Maintain muscle mbad and weight
Building muscle mbad can be done by eating protein-rich foods, endurance exercises the bodyand enough rest. Building muscle mbad, Susan said, is one of the best ways to fight obesity due to an increase in body fat and weight as you get older.

# 3. Maintain healthy skin
"The health of the skin depends on the proteins to produce and support its structure, as well as water intake to help prevent dryness.Clean and moisturize the skin with a young sunscreen.This helps to maintain the skin in good health when age continues to age, "Susan said.

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