VIVA – Basarnas will conduct an evacuation process with a teleoperated vehicle or ROV and trawling trawlers, to transport suspicious objects from the Sinar Bangun Motor wreck . This trawler tool was imported directly from Sibolga and Belawan City, Medan, North Sumatera.
In the process, the large ship was towed by a trawler badisted by a large ship. The withdrawal process with a depth of 490 meters.
"We try every time we did, on the surface of the water also using rubber boats to sweep." Medan, Budiawan told reporters Thursday afternoon, June 28, 2018. [19659005] He explains, for today 's research to get 300 staff badistance.The addition of this staff has been downgraded to the trawler' s operating process with the l & # 39; 39, abduction of a large object allegedly the carcbad of KM Sinar Bangun.
Next, deployed three helicopters from the government of Basarnas, Polri and Simalungun, to comb and monitor the place of research
We are also supported by volunteers of Pemkab Samosir, 50. Our strength must be added because the trawler must be very interesting, "said Budiawan.
Budiawan revealed that the search and evacuation of victims of the motor ship The awakening is completed on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. However, Basarnas has extended its search and evacuation, from today Until the next day, Saturday, June 30, 2018.
"This is the second process of extension.It is the search of the 11th day.The extension was made yesterday afternoon, at 18:00 WIB from Basarnas chief, Muhammad Syaugi he declared the second extension of tan from 28 to 30 June, "said Mr. Budiawan. (ASP)
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