4 foods for your body to be strong in transition periods


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Indonesia is now entering a transition period, which is a transition from the dry season to the rainy season.

Until a few months, our bodies will face a drop in temperature due to the amount of rain that falls in our region.

Decreasing temperatures in our environment accelerate the spread of viruses and bacteria, making the immune system more vulnerable.

Tah, only the ambient temperature badociated with reduced air humidity also makes our body vulnerable to diseases.

Tribun Travel summarizes four foods that can strengthen the body's resistance, thus avoiding the risk of disease when the rainy season arrives.

1. orange

Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C that can protect the body.

Vitamin C in oranges can help improve the body's immune system, so the body has a strong resistance to viruses and bacteria.

2 eggs

It's become our daily food, eggs can also strengthen the immune system of the human body.


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