4 residents abandon crocodile to Grogol River agents


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Head of Section II BKSDA DKI Jakarta Bambang Yudi said, four residents handed over a dead crocodile near the Crocodile Research Area in Grogol River, West Jakarta on Saturday ( 30/06/2010) 19659002] To the four officers, the four admitted that the 1 meter crocodile was captured in the Grogol River

However, questioned on the exact location of the crocodile catch, the four residents were hesitant to show it.

Read also: Anies asks residents (19459004)

Bambang suspects that the four residents just want to find a sensation or a publication because he is considered to have captured the wanted crocodile of the officers since Wednesday (27 / 06/2018). "There are four residents who handed over crocodiles, but he died, I ask, it's the crocodile from where he said here I asked them to show, but they said that They did not do it, "Bambang told Grogol Kali, West Jakarta. On Saturday

When asked later, the four villagers finally claimed they were not the ones who captured the crocodile.

See also: Crocodile 2 Meters at Grorol Times Escape from the Jets Trap

 Jakarta, Friday (29/06/2010). On Wednesday (27/06/2018), locals saw several crocodiles swimming in the sewers of the Grogol River. MAULANA MAHARDHIKA Officers made efforts to catch crocodiles in Grogol, Jakarta, Friday (29/6/2018). On Wednesday (27/06/2018), locals see crocodiles swimming in the sewers of Grogol Kali

They claim to find dead crocodiles at the edge of the road.

The four residents who claimed to be an animal lover community could not show their identity at the request of the agents.

They even fled the scene when the officer asked the cause of death of the crocodile that they brought.

Read also: Wants to see crocodiles in the Grogol River, Waster Car Wasit

Bambang suspects crocodiles brought by residents has long since died because it feels rotten.

"Asked who was the fisherman, he did not know where he lured him, he did not know, I was already looking for, even the guardian of Jelambar Water Gate was asked, baseball is tuh "said Bambang. 19659015]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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