4 steps to follow for the first handling when drinking water spills affect laptops, do not dry them!


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Perform the first manipulation of this kind, when working or doing activities in front of the laptop while blowing or letting coffee suddenly run off the keyboard.

As indicated by various sources Saturday (11/10/2018), here are the steps to follow to manage your laptop first.

This method is a way for you to do it in case of emergency.

The reason is that with the right measures, the laptop affected by a liquid spill will be saved.

Here are five steps to follow to overcome the laptop that contains spilled liquids directly on the keyboard.

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1. If the laptop is off

Turn off the laptop
Turn off the laptop (Gizbot)

If the laptop exposed to a liquid spill is not lit, dry it quickly.

Do not turn on immediately, dry all parts of the laptop, for example open and dry the battery.

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2. Check all ports

Port in a laptop
Port in a laptop (radarteknologi.com)

Check each port indicated by a water spill, if water gets in and stays there.

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