4 This old Rupiah money is no longer selling, you need a quick exchange before December 31, 2018


You can exchange it at the Bank of Indonesia office.

Dream – Bank Indonesia (BI) is still offering the community the opportunity to exchange old, outdated names. It had long been known that four pieces of rupiah no longer applied and were removed from the market.

Quote from the Bank of Indonesia, Regulation No. 10/33 / PBI / 2008, excerpt from the page bi.go.id, Thursday, November 29, 2018, four coins have been withdrawn and will be withdrawn.

The four pieces of the ancient rupiah referred to in question are Rp. 10,000,000 issues (TE) in 1998 with a face of Cut Nyak Dhien, 20,000 Rp. Photographed by Ki Hadjar Dewantara.

The other two fractions are banknotes of a nominal value of 50,000 rupees, R. Soepratman, and 100,000 rupees of Soekarno-Moh. Hatta, whose silver is made of polymer.

For people who still have these old denominations, BI still opens the door to exchange the rupee until 31 December 2018.

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