5 Interesting Stories Tamara Bleszynski in Bodyguard Films Ugly-Ugalan


Bintang.com, Jakarta Tamara Bleszynski spent six years in the vacuum of the Indonesian film world. Now he is back to action. Tamara's choice fell on the film Ugga-Ugalan Bodyguard which also featured Syahrini

This is Tamara's first comedy film during her acting career. Previously, Tamara once acted in the genre of comedy, but on the soap opera or on the screen. Back with the film Bodyguard Ugal-Ugalan, Tamara ends up expressing her nostalgia in front of the camera.

"It feels good to be back in the movies, there is a lot of fun, it's been a long time, so be grateful." Tamara Bleszynski ” clbad=”js-lazyload read-page–photo-gallery–item__picture-lazyload” data-template-var=”image”/>

Tamara Bleszynski

According to him, professional work and mature preparation are enough to help him get back to the big screen. Here are five interesting stories from Tamara Bleszynski in the movie Bodyguard Ugal-Ugalan that will be released from July 5th.

1. History of History

For Tamara Bleszynski, the movie Ugly-Ugalan Bodyguard has an interesting and interesting storyline. So, before filming until the end of the shoot, Tamara feels excited and excited to get involved.

Not aging, Tamara Bleszynski is more beautiful at the age of 43

2. Comedy

Playing in a comic genre film is a rare opportunity for Tamara Bleszynski to be ready to play at the Ugal-Ugalan Bodyguard [19659013] 3. Principal Opponent

Another factor that makes Tamara Bleszynski enjoy playing in Bodyguard Ugal-Ugalan is because his opponent likes Syahrini, Ririn Ekawati and Boris Bokir. "The player is also good, I'm really happy and I hope this film is really good," said Tamara19659018] Time Shooting

Tamara Bleszynski likes to play in the Ugal Bodyguard film -Supply of them because the shooting time includes a short and fast.Shooting procedure only for seven days Tamara has returned directly to Bali, where he has lived in recent years [19659020] 5. The role of the challenge

Another remarkable factor that makes Tamara Bleszynski play in the film Bodyguard Ugal-Ugalan for its stimulating role. Role role plus four previous factors, make sure that Tamara plays in the movie this comedy.

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