5 latest features that come on WhatsApp


WhatsApp QR Code
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Oketekno.com – As you know, in 2018, the most popular instant messaging application service in the world, WhatsApp presenting a lot of updates. Its goal is to make users more satisfied and more comfortable with the application.

To take advantage of these features, users just need to update the applications installed on their respective smartphones. After that, each user will be able to enjoy the new features. So, what features will be obtained? Come on, look at the full list below.

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  1. Disable announcement during vacations

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As previously explained, WhatsApp has developed a feature that allows users to disable notifications during their holidays. For this feature, it is slightly different from the silent mode, which users can now enjoy.

  1. Scan the QR code

For the latest features, it tends to be more similar to those already present in the LINE IM service. Users can add friends simply by scanning QR codes. In this way, the user does not need to ask the user number again to add the contact.

Know Yuk: How to use the W.A iPhone on a rootless Android smartphone

  1. WhatsApp Stickers

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And what has just been introduced in the Android W.A application is this sticker feature, which some IOS users also have. With this feature, users can further color the look of their conversations with their friends, because with the presentation of this feature, the conversation will be more congested and more exciting.

See: How to view deleted .WA messages, 100% works!

  1. Reduced security

Yesterday, it was explained that the data security of users would be more vulnerable to hackers if the alias was stored in the cloud storage service of Google Drive. Indeed, even in the application, end-to-end encryption can work properly, but if it is already in the cloud storage, everything is already open, the alias message does not exist. is not encrypted. Even the WhatsApp party confirmed the news revealing that the message on G-Drive was not encrypted.

  1. Automatic rotating video

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And the last and most interesting point is the presence of video content that will be read directly in the notification menu. This feature is available on most WhatsApp users with the iOS platform with version of the application. However, it is still not officially launched and its presence on the Android platform has also not been detected.

These are the five characteristics WhatsApp which can be appreciated and should be expected in the future.

Read also: Group video calls / voice easier at W.A can only be one click 1x

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