5-storey construction of the Al Azhar boarding school in Gresik collapsing, generating dust at hundreds of meters


GRESIK, KOMPAS.com – Al Azhar (Pesantren) boarding school building in Suci village, Manyar sub-district, Gresik state, collapsed Tuesday night (27/11/2018) , according to locals, which scattered the dust within a radius of several hundred meters.

"During the incident, I was also shocked by the noise that was heard.There was not so long ago, the dust flew away" said Ikhnal, one of the residents who lived about 300 meters from the location of the collapsed building on Wednesday (11/28/2018).

In fact, the amount of dust dispersed in the air at the time of the incident had prompted Iknnal to think and did not believe that, at that time, the pesantren building located not far from his house would # 39; collapsed.

"Here it is also close to the toll road, so I can also guess the sound of a collision.Somewhat dusty enough, some residents even think about the fires.But after checking, the building will Is collapsed, "he said.

Read the previous news: The five-story building of Islamic boarding schools in Gresik has collapsed

The incident did not cause casualties, as a hundred santri who occupied the building had already been moved to the site of the cottage branch in Menganti district, in the state of Gresik.

"Fortunately before the incident, or around noon, the santris had been ordered to go to the location of the lodge at Menganti, so, God willing, there is no need for it. will have no victims, "he said.

However, the collapse of the Al Azhar boarding school affected two other buildings in the area, one of which was Ridwan's house. With the incident, Ridwan and his family also proved not to be at home.

Read also: The construction of 5 floors of the Al Azhar boarding school collapse, which, allegedly, would pose construction problems

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