5 The new pusher of the Jakarta-Merak toll road confessed the problem of Iseng only


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Five young men aged 18, namely WS, BS, RY, SN and SL were arrested in the area of ​​Moderen Cikande and Desa Bandung, Banten, Saturday (30 / 6/2018) 23. 27 hours. They were the alleged perpetrators of stone jets from a bridge on the 49-kilometer Jakarta-Merak toll road on Wednesday evening

Their rampage caused a number of injured toll road users . do things that kill other people.

The AKBP police chief, Serang Serang, Indra Gunawan, said that from the temporary review, the five actors consciously acted without being affected by the drinks alcoholic.

"Well, to get drunk preliminary results, they are not drunk and we checked that urine is a negative result, but as it is sunday and that time is limited, we will start the process again tomorrow "when it is confirmed Kompas.com Sunday (1/7/2018)

See also: No CCTV at the location of Jakarta-Merak Tollstone

Indra continued, the five alleged perpetrators came to the scene of the crime (TKP) using a motorcycle.

"They overlap the five, so far we are still investigating what the fifth motive of this author is doing," continued Indra.

A total of three cars were targeted by the youngster's fifth stone throw. The victims of the injury of their caterpillars were recorded by four people, namely IND, RF, SPL and BN

The stone thrown by the five big players up to about 30 centimeters in diameter.

The big stone pierced through the windshield and injured the victims sitting at the front of the car. Fortunately, there was no victim in the crime.

Indra suspects the stoning stone of the executioners is the material of the construction of the road crammed around the scene.

The scene at the scene was not too bright. It made them free to throw stones.

The lack of lighting and the lack of CCTV cameras prevented police from investigating the whereabouts of the suspects.

The five suspects pushed large boulders through the ram breach that covered the deck to fall on the three cars.
See also: A stone victim throwing natural head wounds in Jakarta-Merak

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