5 Things You Need to Know About Mobile Phones 3 Huawei P20 Pro Camera


– Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei has launched a high-end phone called P20 Pro, a smartphone that carries three main cameras with Leica technology.

As previously written about about running this phone, P20 Pro is probably expected by gadget lovers because it can not wait to try the greatness of the device that has a resolution of 40MP (RGB), 20GB (monochrome) and 8MP (telephoto). this is finally launched for consumers in Indonesia, there are a number of interesting things about P20 Pro that you deserve, gaes . What is it?

See also: Huawei P20 Pro Official Release in Indonesia

First, the color is not salable!

One thing I admire about this phone. The color name worn by Huawei is Twilight


He-he-he has nothing to do with the movie's magnificent vampire film 'Twilight', how … Huawei's own part has confirmed that this color is sold in Indonesia only Twilight, a blue bandage with a slight gradient of color, a little purple, and a touch of green.

In addition, the glbad-like material managed to make this phone luxurious. But, you must be diligent to clean the fingers, so it is not minyakan and sticky!

Second, do not kapok cooperation with Leica. [19659000] During this Leica known as a camera brand of Germany. The sophistication has managed to attract Huawei by establishing cooperation since the previous mobile phone, P9 and P9 Plus, released in 2015.

Can not be denied, Leica's lens technology is really sold for the smart phone's release. Huawei. Citing several sources, in 2017, Huawei Consumer Business Group CEO Yu ChengDong said that sales of P9 and P9 Plus have managed to penetrate 12 million units, a number that exceeded their target.

if is worth Rp11.9 million he still holds Leica, Gaes .

Third, why three cameras?

The launch of this product was also presented by Ambbadador Leica Indonesia Enche Tjin, professional photographer. He also responded to my curiosity about the importance of a camera for three seeds from the point of view of photography lovers.

Smartphones are already a daily necessity with more and more sophisticated camera functions. By presenting three different types of camera lenses, this can further enhance the experience of photography.

"Most of the main cameras of a smartphone are not one, yes two, usually wide and RGB or monochrome lens.If we now have a camera lens up to the end of the day. to three, then the photography from smartphones will increase to a whole new level . Take a picture of the smartphone all about moment .The smartphones are practical, so with sophisticated cameras not very different from professional cameras, we can still capture the moment without the need to waste time setting the setting, "Enche explains to Uzone.id after launching the product in South Jakarta, Thursday (28/6) [19659002]

Fourthly, a good prefix for the art moving photograph .

This point is still expressed by Enche. According to him, Hawei dared to be a pioneer in Indonesia introducing a triple phone such photo with a resolution up to 40MP. With the presence of P20 Pro, Enche will be a good start for mobile art photography . "In the future, there will surely be a trend in which cell phone cameras are becoming more sophisticated and more numerous.There will be a later time smartphone brings a variety of camera lenses with various functions, the number is probably more than three, "said Enche.

See also: Brief explanation of three high-end phones, Huawei P20 Pro

Fifth, P20 Pro should help establish Huawei's new identity

Indeed, there are already two duo P9 and P9 Plus. However, Huawei's side is still eager to change the identity of the company that is now focused on the development of smartphones.

"I once talked to an online taxi driver about technologies and smartphones, apparently, we still think that Huawei is a maker of CDMA mobile phones until now," he said. Lo King Seng's story as deputy director of Huawei Indonesia after the launch of the product at the same place

Realize a new image for the Huawei company as a technology producer in the Smartphone market, his team is working to develop smart phones that can be a new breakthrough. Thus, the P20 Pro is born.

"With the big goal of making breakthroughs through products in which the specifics are all extra, from the screen, the display, the design, the camera, competitive prices in the top market of range, we believe that the P20 Pro deserves to be mentioned as the best product to help change the view of "Huawei CDMA hape maker," Lo King closed with a big smile.

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