52 tech companies value Facebook's user data


Merdeka.com – As part of a partnership, it can not be denied if Facebook will share its user data with its various partners. Recently, Mark Zuckerberg's company responded to data requests from the House Energy & Commerce Committee.

Reported by Gizmodo and Engadget on Monday (2/7), Facebook provided 747 pages of reports on data sharing transactions with other companies, including among them 52 technology companies.

Technology companies that value Facebook data such as Alibaba, Huawei, Lenovo and OPPO. However, partnerships with 38 companies have been completed. Partly because the company ceased operations

Meanwhile, seven other partnerships will end in July 2018 and another in October 2018.

"Three more partnerships will continue," said Facebook in his report.

This, Apple and Amazon are also included in companies that value Facebook user data. The technology company Tobii is also working with Facebook for an eye tracking application that allows it to be used for people with ALS.

Facebook will also work with Alibaba, Mozilla and Opera, allowing Facebook notifications to appear in the browser. Pihanya also revealed, shared data with 61 third-party application developers, including Spotify. This cooperation has been ongoing since 2014 and will end in the next six months.

Indeed, this sharing of data is not always badly targeted. However, there are concerns that Facebook shares more user data than it can share. There are fears that Facebook has shared data outside of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approval demanding that sites get permission before collecting more data on Facebook users. This has to do with the confidentiality of his data. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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