6 Artist desperately fighting when his sick child – Entertainment


Suara.com – The Marcella Zalianty and Ananda Mikola couples have recently brought bad news because their second son, Aryton Magali Sastra Soeprapto has been rushed to the hospital.

This information is known by the post of InstaStory Alexandra Gottardo [19659002] In the post, the sons of Marcella Zalianty and Ananda Mikola are in the cabin of the plane with the infusion and the bandaged head.

Marcella Zalianty looks at Marcal Zalianty in front of her child

In 2014, Magali was convicted of brain cancer. 19659002] After the photo put online by Alexandra Gottardo, Magali will undergo treatment abroad.

  InstaStory Alexandra Gottardo
InstaStory Alexandra Gottardo

No other news of the state of Magali, fortunately given a smooth treatment and soon healthy.

When the baby is sick, as a parent must suffer a great worry.

Especially if the illness suffered by the youngest child Bad. As a parent always tries to care for and accompany the children.

In addition to Marcella Zalianty, other artists accompany and fight for the health of their children when they are sick

In fact, they are willing to spend for their children.

Who are they, following his quoted comment from MataMata.com

1. Joanna Alexandra

  Instagram @joannaalexandra
Instagram @joannaalexandra

The artist Joanna Alexandra patiently takes care of her daughter, Ziona Eden Alexandra Panggabean who suffers from respiratory problems and pain. abnormalities in his legs.

Joanna sold her house and car for her daughter's medical expenses.

2. Muhammad Farhan

  6 This artist struggles desperately when his sick son - 3
Farhan with his wife, Aryatri, and the youngest son of Muhammad Bisma Wibisana while attending Funeral of the eldest son Muhammad Ridzy Khalid at TPU Tanah Kusir, South Jakarta Monday, 22/12/2015 [suara.com/Ismail]

Not so long ago, Muhammad Farhan lost his son in 2015. [19659002] His son Kiky died at the age of 16 because of leukemia.

Before his death, Kiky had a coma for eight days. Here, Farhan fights to take care of his sick son also with autism.

Now, Kiky is calm at his side.








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