6 These habits can thwart your eating efforts


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Implement a healthy diet, exercise and rest that is quite credible for losing weight.

Unfortunately, what is applied by others is not necessarily able to function optimally. 19659002] Sometimes all the effort we make to get the ideal body is such a waste.

What's wrong? Well, in general, it is because of the incorrect steps that we unknowingly thwart the efforts to lose weight.

We report from the Old Men's Health the following things which make us mistakenly obtain the ideal body

. Drastically reduce the portion of the meal

Eating in the right portion will help you lose weight.

However, drastically reducing the portion of food causes the hormone ghrelin to rise rapidly

The hormone ghrelin is a hormone that causes hunger.

At the same time, the body also produces the hormone leptin that causes satiety

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