7 facts from the case of Dahnil Anzar, a so-called satirical engineering of Jusuf Kalla


KOMPAS.com – Thursday (11/22/2018), Chief of Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Commissioner Argo Yuwono, said Dr. Dahnil Anzar would be heard as a witness in the alleged case of the Islamic Youth and Apple Camp in Prambanan some time ago.

Dahnil Anzar, chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth PP, immediately provided clarification while considering the case as an engineering issue.

Meanwhile, the police also collected a number of evidence related to the case, including the signing of Dahnil in the liability report for the activity.

The following are interesting facts in the case of alleged corruption of Dahnil Anzar.

1. Police allegations related to corruption in the activity of the 2017 Islamic youth camp

Argo Yuwono, public relations officer of the Metro Jaya regional police, revealed that Ratna Sarumpaet was officially arrested Friday in the Metro Jaya regional police for the hoax case, 10.10.2018.RIMA WAHYUNINGRUM Argo Yuwono, public relations officer of the Metro Jaya regional police, revealed that Ratna Sarumpaet was officially arrested Friday in the Metro Jaya regional police for the hoax case, 10.10.2018.

Jakarta Metropolitan Police Public Relations Officer Kombes Argo Yuwono said the police had uncovered elements of corruption in the camp's activities and apples of Indonesian Islamic youth in the Prambanan Temple courtyard in 2017.

"This is the inclusion of alleged criminal corruption," Argo said when he met on Thursday at the Metro Jaya Regional Police Headquarters (11/22/2018).

Argo said that this indication of corruption had been reported by those who were aware of the implementation of the activity.

However, Argo did not explain in detail who the parties were.

Moreover, the director of Corruption Sub-Directorate, Ditreskrimsus, Polda Metro Jaya and AKBP Bhakti Suhendarwan, said that the case had been brought to the stage of investigation. The police also summoned Dahnil to appear.

"Tomorrow (23/11/2018), the PP chairman, Pemuda Muhammadiyah (Dahnil Azhar) and the chairman of the event committee for youth camps (Ahmad Fanani) have already called," said Bhakti after confirmation.

See also: Police: The activities of the Indonesian youth camp are subject to suspicions of corruption

2. Dahnil Anzar responds to the call of the police

Chairman of the PP for Muhammadiyah Youth, Dahnil Azhar, and chairman of the camp committee, Ahmad Fanani, after submitting to the Polda Metro Jaya administration Friday (23/11/2018).Kompas.com/SHERLY PUSPITA Chairman of the PP for Muhammadiyah Youth, Dahnil Azhar, and chairman of the camp committee, Ahmad Fanani, after submitting to the Polda Metro Jaya administration Friday (23/11/2018).

The chairman of the PP for Muhammadiyah Youth, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, responded to the Polda Metro Jaya's appeal regarding the alleged corruption case of the 2017 Indonesian Islamic Youth Camp.

Dahnil arrived at the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya building at about 10:19, accompanied by a number of members of the Muhammadiyah Youth Preparedness Command (KOKAM).

At that time, Dahnil did not have much to say when the team of journalists had asked various questions.

"What is clear is that we want to review the activities initiated by Kemenpora." The activity was initiated by Kemepora involving GP Ansor and Pemuda Muhammadiyah, "said Dahnil.

"It's just me, I do not know what that is," he continued.

In addition to Dahnil, the police also questioned a number of people, including representatives of Kemenpora Latif and chairman of the activities committee of the GP, Ansor Safrudin, chairman of the activities committee of Muhammadiyah Ahmad Fanani.

In addition to questioning witnesses, the police also coordinated with the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports the collection of evidence.

Read also: Dahnil Anzar responds to the call as a witness to a case of alleged corruption

3. During the examination, Dahnil Anzar claimed to have paid back 2 billion Rp.

Illustration of moneyKOMPAS / HERU SRI KUMORO Illustration of money

Director of the Sub-Directorate of Corruption, Ditreskrimsus, Polda Metro Jaya, of AKBP Bhakti Suhendarwan, said that Muhammadiya's youth president, PP Dahnil Azhar, said he had returned 2 billion RPD to Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora).

Dahnil's confessions were revealed when he was questioned as a witness to alleged corruption cases in the Indonesian Islamic youth camp during the 2017 fiscal year.

"He said that Dahnil had returned 2 billion rupees to Kemenpora, and today, 2 billion rupees have been returned," Bhakti told the Metro Jaya police headquarters in southern Jakarta. the Friday 23/11/2018.
The police reviewed Dahnil in this case because he was one of the parties to have signed the Accountability Report (LPJ) proposal submitted by PP Muhammadiyah Pemuda. The LPJ is worth 2.7 billion rupees.

"He said that he had been returned with money from PP (Pemuda) Muhammadiyah, and we are sending him back," he said.

Read also: The police call the PP of the youth of Muhammadiyah who returned 2 billion rupees in Kemenpora

4. Dahnil Anzar Signatures in YPA for the activities of the Indonesian Islamic Youth Camp

Presidential candidate spokesperson Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno vice presidential candidate Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak met at the KPU office in Menteng, central Jakarta, on Friday. 09/21/2018. KOMPAS.com/KRISTIAN ERDIANTO Presidential candidate spokesperson Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno vice presidential candidate Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak met at the KPU office in Menteng, central Jakarta, on Friday. 09/21/2018.

Police continued to search for evidence of alleged corruption in the activities of the Indonesian Islamic Youth Camp in Prambanan some time ago.

Proof of this is the signature of the chairman of the committee, Dahnil Anzar, on the activities of the LPJ.

"The chairman (LPJ) of the committee (Indonesian Islamic youth camp) knows Dahnil Anzar," said AKBP Bhakti Suhendarwan at the Metro Jaya police headquarters, Friday, 23/11/2018.

The camp activities held from 16 to 17 December 2017 were launched by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenpora) and involved Pemuda Muhammadiyah and the Ansor GP.

"Thus, the budget of Kemenpora was divided into two GP Ansor and PP Muhammadiyah.The GP Ansor was clarified yesterday.We check in Kemenpora all kinds of things.But we clarify in the field, we found that & there are mistakes, so we take fingerprints, and it's already the BPK too, "he says.

Read also: The signature of Dahnil Anzar is in the LPJ of the Indonesian Islamic Youth Camp

5. Dahnil Anzar: The case was designed

PP President of Muhammadiyah Youth PP, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, delivered a speech at the 85th anniversary of Muhammadiyah's youth in KH's auditorium. Ahmad Dahlan, Da Muhammadiyah Center Building, Wah, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (05/02/2017), night.KOMPAS.com/Kristian Erdianto PP President of Muhammadiyah Youth PP, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, delivered a speech at the 85th anniversary of Muhammadiyah's youth in KH's auditorium. Ahmad Dahlan, Da Muhammadiyah Center Building, Wah, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (05/02/2017), night.

Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak considered that his summons as a witness to the alleged corruption case of the activities of the Indonesian Islamic Youth Camp of 2017 was something to look for and that it was a consequence of his attitude towards of the government.

"What is clear is that since the beginning, I have understood very well the consequences of my attitude of criticism of the government, then of behavior towards this government." So I belonged to the security apparatus, so I do not know what to look for, we will see people who will judge, "Dahnil said in a statement. Jaya Metro Police Headquarters, Friday (23/11/2018).

In addition, camp activities held in the courtyard of Prambanan Temple in central Java on December 16 and 17, 2017, were launched by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenpora). ) and implicated Pemuda Muhammadiyah and the general physician of Ansor.
"But strangely, only we have been examined and researched.the second, I understand that this is a consequence of my attitude up to here.We have therefore looked for it.But later we will see how it is. the exam is waiting for us, "he said.

Read also: Dahnil Anzar calls his examination concerning alleged corruption cases sought

6. Police confirms the case without engineering

Chief Public Relations Officer of the Jaya Subway Police, com. Argo Yuwono, Jakarta (31/05/2018) STANLY RAVEL Chief Public Relations Officer of the Jaya Subway Police, com. Argo Yuwono, Jakarta (31/05/2018)

The Public Relations Officer of the Jaya Metropolitan Regional Police, Sr. Argo Yuwono, confirmed that the investigation into the alleged corruption case related to the budget of a camp of young Muslims Indonesian Muslims in 2017 had been conducted according to the procedure.

"This is a purely criminal case and the police are conducting a review based on the professionalism of the police.We do not obstruct, we do not do it, but we do not do it. after the audit and reports from the community, "said Argo Friday (23/11/2018).

Ardo added that the progress of this case resulted from a case after the police questioned a number of witnesses and gathered evidence.

"We made the title, the case turned out to be a constituent part of the criminal offense, which allowed the investigator of the Metro Jaya Regional Police to investigate the case. investigate its status, "he said.

Read also: Den Dahnil and police investigate allegations of non-manufactured tent corruption

7. Insinuation of Dahnil Anzar by Jusuf Kalla

Dahnil Anzhar Simanjuntak, President of the Muhammadiyah Youth Training Center, at the opening of the 17th Muhammadiyah Youth Conference at the Sportorium of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Monday (11/26/2018) KOMPAS.com/MARKUS YUWONO Dahnil Anzhar Simanjuntak, President of the Muhammadiyah Youth Training Center, at the opening of the 17th Muhammadiyah Youth Conference at the Sportorium of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Monday (11/26/2018)

While he was addressing the opening ceremony of the Muhammadiyah Youth Conference at UMY Yogyakarta, Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla mentioned Dahnil Anzar on Monday (26/11/2018).

"It's a political year, democracy is the way we choose good leaders, I respect Muhammadiyah to choose the best, not to choose the most violent campaign or the biggest." Although Dahnil is number 2, does not mean that the youth of Muhammadiyah must follow his policy, "Jusuf said. Kalla.

According to him, the general chairman of PP Muhammadiyah was the opportunity to choose the good and constituted a good democracy.

"Democracy is not just a number, it is moving our country forward, not just counting but advancing our country, which is the political right of the people," he said.

Read also: Open Youth Conference Muhammadiyah, Jusuf Kalla Sempat, Sindir Dahnil Anzar

Source: KOMPAS.com (Sherly Puspita)

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