7 Instagram terms you need to know, from "News Feed" to "News" to & # 39; Ghost Followers & # 39;


TRIBUNJABAR.ID – Like Instagram, of course, you already know a lot about the features offered here dong?

So, do you also know the terms that are in Instagram?

If no, then you have to spend some time reading some of the terms in the following Instagram. Activity Stream

Generally, other social media will use the term notification for each activity

however, unlike Instagram.

In this photo and video sharing app, Commonly used terms are Activity Stream .

In The flows of activity are divided into two, namely follow and you


You often need hear this term correctly

No idea if feed is the gallery or album of your Instagram account. 19659002] 3. News Feed

This term refers to "home" or the homepage of your Instagram.

4. Legend

You must often look for words of wisdom to make legend ?

Well, Legend is a short description of the photo or video uploaded on Instagram.

5. Bio

This term alone is an abbreviation of biography or self-description.

Usually, bio contains a brief identity of users of Instagram

6. Ghost Subscribers

Ghost followers or ghostie is a subscriber of your Instagram account who has never liked or leave a trace of comments every time you post a photo or video.

If you could say, ghostie it's the same as silent drive .


Must have known dong with the term Celebrity or Instagram Instagram?

Usually programmers have a lot of accounts followers .

Who is your idol program?

(NexTren, Denni R)

This article was published in the Nextren.id under the title: 7 terms in Instagram, users should know Nih drop

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