Lis-Maya claimed to just bring a car without content

[ad_1] – Pilkada Serentak 2018 in 171 regions at both the provincial level and district / city, presents a variety of surprises. Among others the fall of a number of petahana candidates.

As in the selection of Mayor (Pilwakot) Tanjungpinang. Petahana Lis Darmansyah-Maya partner must recognize the benefits of his rival. Namely, the Sahrul-Rahma couple.

On the basis of the results of the quick calculation of the General Electoral Commission (KPU), the pair number 1 Sahrul-Rahma obtains 32 178 votes or 50.91%. While the pair number 2 Lis-Maya got 31,023 votes or 49.09%. The acquisition was based on the counting of the votes of 238 polling stations, or 75.08%. In total, there are 317 polling stations in the city of Tanjungpinang.

Similarly, the results of Form C1 of the 317 polling stations that entered 100 percent in the Victory Syahrul-Rahma team. The number 1 pair won 42,597 votes or 51.54%. While Lis-Maya wins 40,045 votes or 48.46%.

In connection with this result, Raja Haji Stolopol political observers Tanjungpinang Zamzani A Karim spoke. According to him, the political party (political party) carrying Lis-Maya is not optimal in the struggle for victory. The pengusungnya is PDIP, Hanura, Democrats, PAN, PKPI and PPP.

"In my opinion, the political machine of Lis-Maya does not work, supported by big parties, but the machines of the political parties do not move simply, carrying the car without content," said Zamzani when he been contacted Thursday (28/6).

Even Sahrul-Rahma's partner is supported only by Golkar, Gerindra and PKS, actually running the party machine. So the motion of support to them is always increasing.

Indeed under normal conditions and not too many negative cases in the government, usually difficult to beat petahana. But too many burrs are detrimental to Lis-Maya and delays are not smart use medsos.

In addition to the stigmatization of the IDP as a party that is not pro-Muslim and Muslim, that means that 16% of voters are turning away their support. "It could be voters as the number two candidate pair, but in doubt with the party pengusungnya," Zamzani said.

(bbi / JPC)

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