Inti dimension of Dimas Anggara and Nadine Chandrawinata in their latest videos

[ad_1] reporter's report, Rika Apriyanti

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Celebrity couples Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara are now showing more and more their affection in social media.

That's what they do after a cat-kucingan. pants, Nadine and Dimas are more reluctant to download their moments together on Instagram social networks respectively.

They also regularly upload photos together at different locations since early June 2018.

Their intimacy is also visible from the short video uploaded Sunday Dimas Anggara @dimsanggara (28/06/2018).

Located on the beach, Nadine and Dimas look so intimate.

The intimacy between them also makes the warganet who saw him become a baper.

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