Again, the car hit through a tube of a toll, injured


JAKARTA, – The action of stone throwing people crossing the bridge (JPO) is still produced. This time, it arrived at the section of the Jakarta-Merak toll road, 49 km from Serang, Banten, Wednesday (27/6/2018) around 23:00.

Banten police chief, Brigjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo, confirmed the incident.

"There is a report that is currently being processed by Serang District Police Investigators," Listyo said when contacted on Thursday (28/6/2018).

Contacted separately, Serang Kapolres AKBP Indra said that he is still on the scene for further investigation.

See also: Police Spread the Sketch Facing an Unexpected Launcher of a Stone Boy

"This is also new to the scene.Korlantas Well, I'm on PJR (Serang Highway Patrol) Serang, I will coordinate while I want to see the car first, "said Indra when contacted Thursday.

According to the temporary information that he received, there was a car struck by a stone's throw. But he is still studying the possibility of another car that has fallen victim to a stone's throw.

He confirmed that there were victims in this case throwing stones. But he can not confirm the exact number of victims.

"The temporary victim of 2 people in the hospital can not be questioned but checked, who knows who is back," he said

Read also: Prevent stones from throwing at the # 39, interior, 21 toll bridge at Bekasi (19459004)

Action throwing stones from the top of the toll road The JPO has become a shattering rider. Two stoning actions were recorded in front of Lebaran a few weeks ago.

The first incident, on Friday morning (8/6/2018), a rider named Saeful Mazazi died because the car he was driving hit a rock the size of a football when he from Jakarta-Cikampek tollgate (Japek).

Commissioner Kapolsek Pondok Gede Suwari said that the stone would have been thrown by someone from the JPO Jatibening at Km 6,300 A and about the windshield of the car.

Also read: A number of stonemason cascades in toll collectors …

Suwari says, Saeful died shortly after firing on his car. He suffered injuries to the left chest and chin allegedly caused by the stone throwing.

Shortly after the incident, the throwing stone action took place again. This time it was done by two teenagers with initials TZ (17) and H (15).

They were found throwing pebbles on the highway from the Malacca Bridge, Kelapa Dua Wetan, Ciracas, East Jakarta, on Tuesday (12/6/2018) at 04.00 WIB

Once secured, Police seized evidence in the form of a bag full of pebbles that they used to launch a pbading vehicle.

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