Anniversary of Krisdayanti in Azriel Bikin Sadih – VIVA


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VIVA – The relationship between Krisdayanti and his two sons Anang Hermasnyah, Aurel and Hermansyah Azriel is often in the spotlight. Crowded talk that this mother-child relationship is not harmonious. This claim becomes stronger because the artist who famously calls KD rarely spends time with Aurel and Azriel.

However, KD confessed that he continued to pay attention to his children's activities through social media. Also including when his son Azriel celebrates his 18th birthday, Thursday, June 21, 2018.

Happy birthday son @azriel_hermansyah "wrote KD as an explanation for the photo he uploaded.

The birthday wish was accompanied by posting pictures of Azriel in childhood, and also when KD attended the graduation ceremony of his son. Post one of the Indonesian divas makes the warganet participate in a feeling of sadness and touch.

" Koq me jd join nangis y liat this post … the heart of a mother … ", writes the warganet. " So touched am postinganx ", wrote another citizen. " who patiently ya mb kd ko sya so sad participate ya see this picture similar to bnget same mb kd, beautiful ziel, " wrote another warganet. " as bad as his old man who gave birth to his two sons in this world without his mother being in this world." "writes the warganet.

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