The journey of Fredrich Yunadi of Stone struck by the Setnov case


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The former Setya Novanto attorney, Fredrich Yunadi, was sentenced to seven years in prison by the Jakarta Corruption Court for obstructing the investigation of corruption.

for Setnov who was entangled in the affair of electronic identity card corruption

He was struck by a stone because of his actions in accompanying Setnov who was then his client who was established as an electronic identity card suspect by the KPK. When the KPK was looking for Setnov, the man who was then chairman of the House of Representatives was called accident in the Permata Hijau region, South Jakarta, on November 16, 2017.

Due to an accident Hilmann car Mattauch Setnov was transported to the hospital Medika Permata Hijau, about one kilometer from the place of the accident.

At a hospital reporter shortly after the accident, Fredrich stated that the injury of his client was Bakpao. He also made a row with the KPK team sent to the hospital to check Setnov health conditions.

As a result, Fredrich could not resist the KPK, and Setnov moved to the hospital dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Central Jakarta, to be carried out

When Setnov was declared healthy by RSCM doctors, he was taken to KPK headquarters and detained there after further examination. Fredrich seemed to be accompanying Setnov that night.

The power of Setnov's legal team then grew. In addition to Fredrich, Setnov hired Otto Hasibuan and hung up on Maqdir Ismail. But, the power was reduced on November 8, 2017 in which Otto chose to resign as Setnov's lawyer. Otto's decision was followed by Fredrich.

Fredrich then declared the decision to resign because of Maqdir's presence. Fredrich told Setnov that "in a ship, there should not be two captains."

"If two captains, one on the right, wants to be left, the ship is drowned, is not it ? "Fredrich explains.

About a month later, Fredrich secured the KPK as a suspect obstructing an electronic identity card fraud investigation that ensnared Setnov. He was not alone, because together he was arrested by a doctor who treated Setnov at Medika Permata Hijau hospital, Bimanesh Sutarjo

. Both were then prisoners and tried by the court of corruption of Jakarta

  The Journey of Fredrich Yunadi Fredrich Yunadi gave information to reporters while he was still a lawyer of Setnov, who became an electronic identity card fraud suspect in 2017 (CNN Indonesia / Then Rahadian)

Frederich's drama at trial

During the trial, Frederich has always made the case to enlist the prosecutor. One of them during the examination of the testimony of a doctor of the hospital Medika Permata Hijau. Prosecutors did not accept the attitude of Fredrich who was putting his forefinger on the forehead badociated with madness.

Former lawyer Setya Novanto also once raised his finger on the KPK attorney while speaking loudly. Frederich was not welcome with prosecutors who want to play video surveillance video (CCTV) Medika Permata Hijau Hospital.

The KPK prosecutor also reacted because Frederich called the KPK investigator carrying a suitcase containing a bomb during the search. Not only that, many times giving an explanation, Frederich also uses the word "you" and "situ" which means "you".

  The journey of Fredrich Yunadi because of the case of Setnov Tired of disregarding his statement on the wounds Setnov, who was fat as a tank at the front, in his trial as defendant Fredrich Yunadi carrying a small bakpau . (CNN Indonesia / LB Ciputri Hutabarat)

Responding to Frederich's attitude, the prosecutor objected. The prosecutor of the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption described Frederich's behavior as completely inappropriate in the proceedings.

Moreover, tired of his badertion about Setnov's wounds as big as a bakpao, Frederich once dragged a typical arrest in court. The reason is to show that not all ships are big.

Frederich also cursed the KPK attorney for not giving him permission to get out of prison by sungkem to his mother during the Eid celebration

Swearing by the prosecutor will get the reward. If the parent still lives, "said Fredrich in front of the panel of judges, the Jakarta Corruption Court, Friday (8/6).

Do not stop there, Frederich called the attorney & hick & Kampung alias.He threw it because KPK prosecutors often questioned the bakpau issue to a number of witnesses presented in the trial.

Not only KPK prosecutor, Frederich also challenged the expert witness who was brought by the hospital Medika Permata Hijau, Indri Astuti, to swear pocong.

In addition to Indri, computer scientist Permata Hospital Hijau Putra Rizki Ramadhona accused as & ## 39, astrologer by Frederich According to Frederich, Rizki does not yet know the evidence that the investigator has requested.


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