KOMPAS.com – Twitter has published a small key size flash (USB) that can be used to lock a user's Twitter account. By using these keys, accounts become safer and are not easily penetrated by hackers or hackers.
The physical key is known as a universal two-factor device (U2F). The security level of this device is higher than that of the security using the code sent by SMS
Because the user who uses this key U2F must bring it and press the button. device to enter the Twitter account
the two-factor authentication can still be exploited by hackers, so that the security code sent can be easily examined.
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Twitter user account, U2F key also has other advantages. One is to protect its users against phishing activity or fraud using fake Twitter sites
This is due to the U2F features that can only work if they are related to the original Twitter page. Phishing .
In questioning how to use U2F, according to Twitter, the user must first register his cell phone number in his account, as a summary KompasTekno of ZD Net ] (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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