Merdeka.com – Police managed to discover the case of aggression that happened to Syarief Burhanuddin, general manager of the Ministry of Construction of PUPR. The culprit is part of a large union based in Teluk Gong, Jakarta North. Now the police are looking for the union frontman
. West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Hengki Hariadi says the jambret group based in Teluk Gong in North Jakarta has a leader. He is Berinisal M.
"We have detected a great boss, we will continue, because he is the coordinator of the jambret in Jakarta," he said Friday (29/6/2018).
Hengki explained to this union M has several roles. In addition to the picker, he is also a great penadah to the property of the crimes
"M is the initial of the chief M. He has many houses," he said.
Previously, the police of the Jakarta Subway "Teluk Gong". Currently, the five groups are under intensive review.
Hengki explains that these five groups are related to Agustina and Frengky. Both are the perpetrators of the attack against Syarief Burhanuddin, Director General of Construction of the Ministry of UPPR
"We say that, in addition to the suspect, we also revealed another group still in development to respond to existing evidence ". Hengki still closes the meeting of his arrest. "It's still under development, which we clearly capture in five groups," he said.
Of course, in one day, the group acts up to five times in different modes. In general, it is pepet, then looted. "As a victim to Mr. Sharif who is a motorcycle," he said
"There is one engine, three engines, up to four engines, for example four engines, the victim rides the bajaj, the left and the left-back … if there is a pursuit, there are three engines, two mepet, behind the shadow, "he points out.
Reporter: Ady Anugrahadi
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