Dream – In addition to the allowance of Hari Raya (THR), the officials (PNS), TNI and Polri, also earn the 13th salary. The good news, the 13th salary is ready to liquidate next month.
"The 13th salary should be liquid in July," said Herman Suryatman, head of the PANRB's office in Jakarta, quoted by Liputan6.com Saturday, June 30, 2018.
According to Herman , the 13th salary is intended for the cost of the education of schoolchildren of the State Public Administration (ASN).
The 13th salary is not a new font. This rule has been established since 2016. The THR budgeting and the 13th salary are also regulated each year by the Interior Minister's regulations on the guidelines for the preparation of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) [19659002] THR and the 13th salary were included in the calculation formula General Allowance Fund (DAU). The UDA allocation for each region was calculated from the base allowances based on the salary expenditure of regional officials and the budget gap, ie the difference between the budgetary needs of the region and its fiscal capacity. ] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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