Husen Murat, mayor of North Jakarta, said that an estuarine crocodile had been captured at a Grogol River site. "The only one that has been caught," said Husen when he was contacted by cnnindonesia.com by phone on Saturday (30/6).
The Natural Resource Conservation Center (BKSDA) will open the possibility of amortizing Grogol Kali in search of three tails
Head of Section II BKSDA Bambang Yudi S said that the option seems see Grogol Ground's ground conditions filled with mud.
"We wonder if the sandbag closure continues to be sucked in by the water," Yudi said in Grogol River, West Jakarta, Friday (29/6).
BKSDA Jakarta also set a deadline for the search for three crocodiles Grogol's Times for Two Weeks
"We still see that we look for example in two weeks the baseball seems already finished," said Bambang
Residents flocking around the search area, said Bambang, also made field teams struggle to find the three crocodiles
"The stench is so stressful , and the love of a fishing rod with the chicken is not, first it is stoned [oleh masyarakat]"he said. ) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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