Mark the fastest in FP3 MotoGP Netherlands, fourth Rossi


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Marc Marquez became the fastest driver of the third free practice session of the Dutch MotoGP on the Assen circuit Saturday (30/6) Marquez recorded the fastest time of 1 minute 33.341 seconds or only the difference Maverick Vinales

The Yamaha Movistar rider was not able to maintain his position as in FP2, which recorded the best time of the other MotoGP riders on Friday (29/6 ).

The result was the opposite of Marquez. The Spaniard improved his position on FP3 after FP2 was only in eighth place with 1 minute 34.041 seconds.

Meanwhile, the third fastest position was Cal Crutchlow with a time of 1 minute 33.347 seconds or 0.006 seconds slower than Marquez [19659002] Behind Cructhlow occupied Valentino Rossi with a time difference of 0.047 seconds from the first Marc Marquez's position.

Ranking, Rossi has not changed position in FP2 and FP3 which is ranked fourth. However, his time record is higher than that of FP2 yesterday.

Rossi himself used medium and soft tires on FP3 MotoGP Holland, as did Marquez, Crutchlow and Andrea Iannone who were in fifth position. (Big 10)
1. Marc MARQUEZ (Repsol Honda) 312.8 1 "33,341
2. Maverick VINALES (Movistar Yamaha) 312.8 1" 33.342 0.001 / 0.001
3. Cal CRUTCHLOW (LCR Honda) 1 & # 39 ; 33.347 0.006 / 0.005
4. Valentino ROSSI (Movistar Yamaha) 1 & 33.388 0.047 / 0.041
5. Andrea IANNONE (SUZUKI Team) 1 & 33.403 0.062 / 0.015
6. Jorge LORENZO (Ducati Team) 1 "33.787 0.446 / 0.384
7. Aleix ESPARGARO (Aprilia Team Racing Gresini) 1" 33.825 0.484 / 0.038
8. Alvaro BAUTISTA (Team Angel Nieto) 1 "33.848 0.507 / 0.023
9. Andrea DOVIZIOSO (Ducati Team) 1 & 33.872 0.531 / 0.024
10. Pol ESPARGARO (Red Bull KTM) 1 & 33.915 0.574 / 0.043 (baccalaureate) [19659007]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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