Visit the school once, Via Vallen Even Net Net debut because of its appearance

As one of the country's best dangdut singers, Via Vallen has apparently not forgotten its past and the people who support it. Even recently, the singer of the song "darling" who took her to visit her old school in Sidoarjo.

The tour is known for its own Via download on Instagram. He exhibited his photos with the teachers who taught him first. On this occasion, Via also presented the achievements that he has achieved while he was still a student.

"Alhamdulillah was able to meet at my high school, meet my extraordinary teachers Daaaaannnn thank you jg I am double trophy of love in primo winning singing contest as high school representative. father and mother of my teacher, " writes Via Vallen in his download.

But as always, Via still does not seem free from sharp criticism. This time, Via's performance is in the spotlight. Some think Via should use the hijab to adapt, not to mention his Islamic school.

"Why do not you start using the hijab?" asked @ze **** epasi. "Mbk via kok does not wear the veil that is the MBK Islamic School?" says @ich *** k_81. "Should do hijab mbk valencuu," suggest @mi *** eh. "Make a dong veil: (
," timsa @sa *** xaji.

Even though Via Vallen herself seems to have ignored the bitter criticism and also the spicy commentary netter. He did not answer any of these writings.

Meanwhile, recently, Via has also been the controversy over charges of behavior that is considered arrogant or quasi-ngartical. Like before, when he downloaded the ticket price list to watch the final of the World Cup that reached 4 billion Rp. Because of these many who pointed out pointing and like to show.
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