No matter enemies, Mulan Jameela want to live a peaceful life


JAKARTA, – Singer Mulan Jameela pleaded not to want to worry about warganet comments that often mencibirnya. The wife of the musician Ahmad Dhani realized that everyone is free to argue

"If the comment is not too bad, I think it's me, "he said at a meeting in Queens Head Kemang. 30/6/218)

For Mulan, everyone has the choice to live their life.

"Everyone can have their own choice, want to live with people's comments or want to live in peace and quiet," he said.

See also: Ahmad Dhani Call Mulan Jameela Makin (19459004)

"So yes I do not think too much, because I live as responsible for my life, so I do not want to correct others," he said. added.

Even after his appearance is now closed, Mulan still received spicy comments from the warganet. Once again, the singer of "Wonder Woman" did not care.

"It seems too false that people who are so, they are too much worse than men.If mikirnya kayak so mah up to lah, their sins responsibility respectively," he explained

Read also: Want to be more closed, Mulan Jameela plans to auction his bad search

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