The KM Sinar Bangun search period is extended by 3 days

[ad_1], Medan – Search for victims and wrecks of the Sinar Bangun Motor Vessel that sank in the waters of Lake Toba entering the 13th day. Even if it has been detected, the joint SAR team is still trying to transport it to the surface.

SAR bureau chief Medan Budiawan said that he continued to struggle by deploying various forces. Even the search period is extended to the next three days, from 1 to 3 July 2018.

"Information provided by Budi Nugroho, Deputy Operational Basarnas, payback period extends from three days to the next", said Mr. Budiawan Saturday (30/6/2018). [19665004] Describes, the extension of KM Sinar Bangun's research period is the third. The first extension took place after 7 days of searching for KM Sinar Bangun since the drowning on June 18, 2018.

"The first search period extends from June 25 to 27, 2018. The second is from the 28th June 30, 2018 and the third from July 1 to 3, 2018 ", he explains.

The search and rescue team is continually trying to find ways to lift the victims and the wreck of the Sinar Bangun motor vehicle detected by the Remote Control Vehicle (ROV) at 450 meters from Lake Toba. , the joint SAR team also had time to prepare two options, which still try to lift the victim and the wreck or sow the flower, and pray for the victims

"But the & # 39; Option is still a plan. On Friday

Budiawan revealed that the two options will be negotiated with various parties such as the local government (Pemda), the National SAR Agency (Basarnas), and pbadenger family KM Sinar Bangun

"The first option to be given to victims of KM Sinar Bangun remains at the bottom of the lake The second option remains the appointment of the body of the victim, but it takes a lot of time. "

Recognized Budiawan, after detection of victims and carcbad From KM Sinar Bangun looking for the 11th day or Thursday, June 28, 2018, the SAR joint team also negotiates with sharing parties, such as the local district government as well as the victim's family.

"It's our meeting, we've found the target, but there are problems with the meeting, but the options are not decided," he said. he says.

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