Muhammad Ulin Nuha (35 years old), graduate student of Takhossus Fiqh Syafi & # 39; i, Al Azhar University Cairo, Egypt, died at Tayseer Hospital, Cairo.
Ulin was rushed to hospital from his five-story apartment in Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt on Saturday (30/6) at 23:00 local time
Ambbadador of Indonesia in Egypt, Helmy Fauzy, heard the incident the representatives of the Cairo Embbady directly to the hospital.
"We are sorry for the death of Ulin, while alive, the deceased is a student who is active in socialization and loves to write," said Helmy in a statement CNNIndonesia.com Monday ( 2/7). The former member of the House of Representatives of the F-PDIP advised Indonesian students to always favor the safety of the soul.
In addition, continues Helmy, the majority of Indonesian students educated in Egypt do not have health insurance.
"Our safety and health are very important, be more careful," he pleaded.
Based on the confessions of Bakri, the neighbor of the victim, the nine incidents in Ulin began.
Ulin can not enter his apartment. However, he is still looking for ways to get into his residence.
Ulil, a Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo graduate, Kediri was also trying to slip through the balcony. Incidentally, many of the neighbors in the apartment who live are Indonesian citizens.
Men of Purwotengah, Kec. Papar, Kediri then met Bakri who lived on the fifth floor for permission to use the balcony of his apartment.
Bakri claimed to have prevented Ulin from going down the balcony. Because, at that time, the state was late at night and high enough. However, the victim has always insisted.
Ulin, whose S-1 degree was also obtained at Al Azhar University, Takhossus Fiqh Shafi & i department, then went down the balcony with the help of a pipe mounted on the wall of the apartment. Unfortunately, Ulin's efforts to enter his apartment did not meet the results. He fell to the ground floor of the house.
Ulin was rushed to Tayseer Hospital, Nasr City, Cairo. However, due to Ulin's serious injuries, the East Java student life can not be helped.
The Embbady of Indonesia in Cairo contacted the Ulin family in Indonesia. Ulin leaves his wife and two children. At the time of the incident, the wife and Ulin's son were returning home to their hometown.
Earlier, June 9, a West Sumatra student died in Cairo, Egypt. Fatimah Darsan Abdul Malik had an accident around the waiting area of buses in H-7, Nasr City, Cairo. Fatimah is enrolled as a student in the department of Shari'ah, Al Azhar University
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