Nining back after Lost Waves dragged the queen's port a year ago


Nining Sunarsih, a Kampung Cibunar resident, Desa Gede Pangrango, sub-district of Kadudampit, Sukabumi has suddenly returned home after being reported missing since January 8, 2017.

Nining was found in Pelabuhanratu Beach by his family. A member of his family dreamed that Nining would come back.

"This is Aki ngimpi, picked up at Citepus," said one of Nining's relatives

When he disappeared, the SAR team found the body Nining suspected. It turned out that Nining returned to the location of the discovery.

Nining disappeared for more than a year after being dragged by the waves to Pangandaran Beach, Palabuhanratu. However, when Nining was rediscovered, she seemed dazed and did not answer all the questions

Where did Nining spend more than a year?

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Nining disappeared for 1.5 years after being dragged waves to Pangandaran, Palabuhanratu. The SAR team even had time to find the body of the suspected Nining woman. Where did Nining last 1.5 years?

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