
Yasonna H Laoly, Minister of Justice and Human Rights, was in the lobby after being inspected Wednesday at the KPK building in Jakarta (10/1). Wahid Putro A JAKARTA – The Minister of Justice and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly arrived at the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK) in 12:50 WIB

Yasonna was examined as a witness Irvingo Hendra Pambudi and Made Oka Masagung

"Yes, I think that's the case," he replied briefly when we asked him if the questioning was about the case of an electronic identity card

. The five witnesses were Yasonna Laoly, Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Aburizal Bakrie, politician of the Golkar party, politician of the Justice for Prosperity Party. Tamsil Linrung, former Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior, Diah Anggraeni, and another witness named Mulyadi

. Asus KTP-e with suspects Irvanto Hendra Pambudi and Made Oka Masagung, namely Aburizal Bakrie, Yasonna Laoly, Tamsil Linrung, Diah Anggraeni and Mulyadi, "KPK spokesman Febri Diansah said in Jakarta on Monday (07 / 02/2018) 19659003] In the investigation with the suspects Irvanto and Made Oka, KPK deepens related to the process of budget discussion or fund project KTP-e

Irvanto who is the nephew of the former president of the Setya Novanto house was established with Made Oka, businessman and partner Novanto KTP-e bribery on February 28, 2018.

Irvanto allegedly from the beginning followed the process of issuing the credit card. Electronic identity with his company, namely PT Murakabi Sejahtera and participated in several meetings at Fatmawati Ruko with a team of electronic ID card providers.There was a request for "fees" of five percent for facilitate the process of managing a ca electronic identity card.

Irvanto reportedly received a total of 3.4 million US dollars by iodine 19 January-19 February 2012 for Novanto went through a number of countries, while Made Oka is a voter of PT Delta Energy, a company SVP in the investment company in Singapore suspected of being a holding company.

The two companies would have received a total of US $ 3.8 million as Novanto designation, or US $ 1.8 million through OEM Investment Pte Ltd of Biomorf Mauritius and US $ 2 million. millions of US dollars through PT Delta Energy.

an intermediary bribes for members of the People's Legislature representing 5% of the KTP-e project.

Both are suspected of Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 of Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law no. Law No. 20 of 2001 on the eradication of corruption, article 55 paragraph (1) of the Penal Code

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