JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – A woman with the initials W (37) was killed after defending her belongings from an attempted badault.
Kempol Kapolsek Cempaka Putih Rosiana Nurwidajati said that the incident occurred Sunday (1/7/2018) around 20:00 in the Cempaka Putih area, in central Jakarta.
"It's true this incident." Jalan Ahmad Yani, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Center, The Victim is Dead, "said Rosiana when contacted Monday (07/02/2018).
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He said the victim was a private employee who was driving an ojek online .
The victim falls while trying to defend the object that the scapegoat seeks to capture
However, Rosiana was not able to tell which objects the perpetrators abducted from the victim.
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Rosiana has also not been able to explain the details of the incident and the number of deaths. perpetrators of aggression.
"We looked at four witnesses, we are still focused on the investigation," he said.
An aggression often occurred in Jakarta sometime later
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Monday ( 18/06/2018), the Jakarta police received four reports about the action of aggression in the Sudirman region in Tosari.
Recently, the retreat took place and hit the Director General of the Ministry of Construction and Public Works, Syarief Burhanudin, in Kota Tua, West Jakarta, Sunday 24/6/2018 [19659015]. (19459004)
The West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Hengki Haryadi, said that following the arrest of the two perpetrators, the police found a jamger union at Jakarta called "Jambret Tent Orange".
Up to now, the police have not been able to confirm the connection between the badault of action in Cempaka Putih and other actions. aggression. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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