Minister Susi warns owners of predatory fish


SURABAYA, – The Minister of Fisheries and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, warns or warns the owner of predatory fish to immediately give him his pet fish

"Who still keeps predatory fish ? as Arapaima "said Minister Susi during the & # 39; inauguration of the ship built by STI Kenjeran Beach Surabaya Monday (02/07/2018) [MinistèredelaRésistanceetdelaPêchedonne30joursàquiconquecultiveoucollecteactuellement152espècesdepoissonsprédateursdanscepoissonAraipamaGigasetPiranhaderemettreimmédiatementàFishQuarantineCenteretcontrôledelaqualitédanslarégion

" If not, then we will deal with the law. ", said Susi.

Read also: Dangerous rated, aligator fish is forbidden to be executed

The Chief of the Fish Quarantine Center and Control Surabaya I, Muhlin, has indicated that he has opened a potea u "Not only the fish Arapaima, but all the predatory fish we have received," he said.

According to the regulation of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries No. 41 of 2014, there are 152 types of fish that are prohibited from entering the waters of Indonesia, including Araipama fish Gigas

"Fish collectors or growers can come to deliver the fish," Muhlin said.

In Surabaya, the post office is open to 3 places. In addition to the office of the Fish Quarantine Center and Surabaya I Quality Control at Jalan Raya Juanda Sidoarjo, also in the Puspa Agro Sidoarjo market complex, and at the Surabaya Fish and Quality Control Quarantine Center. in the port of Tanjung Perak

See also: KKP Open fishing post Arapaima Gigas at Surabaya

Notes from the Institute of Wetland Conservation (Ecoton), from June 25 to July 2, 2018, 14 fish Arapaima Gigas were captured by citizens

including already consumed by residents. Finally, locals catch predatory fish in the river area of ​​the town of Mojokerto on Monday, February 7, 2018.

Arapaima Gigas, fish whose original population in the Amazon, Brazil, reportedly damaged the fish populations of the Brantas River. because of its predatory and invasive nature.

Although the Brantas River flows by environmental groups, it is conceived as a fish sanctuary.

Kompas TV The owner of the fish Arapaima Gigas incurs up to 10 years in prison and fined Rs 2 billion when it is proved that he there is a violation.

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