PALEMBANG – The tragic fate of F, a high school student from Palembang, South Sumatra. The 15-year-old boy was locked up and brutally raped for six days by two young men.Thanks to merdeka.com, two men who have raped her, TM (22) and HN (22), were recently known via social media Facebook (FB) The victim then reported the incident to the police. For the officer, F admitted that the incident occurred when he met the two victims after a meeting at FB on Monday (26/6). Initially, he met TM and was invited to his home in Kalidoni Subdistrict, Palembang, because he had promised to meet the parents of the abuser. "I refused, I once again stopped," said F victim during a report to SPKT Polresta Palembang, Monday (2/7). The following day, the victim accompanied the aggressors not far away. his home. Soon, he was picked up by the HN actor who was also his FB acquaintance. The victim invited HN to the parents of the abuser. Again, the victims were badually badaulted by their perpetrators. He was locked up and raped the perpetrator for five days. "I ask the house is not allowed, I digute (the rape) continues to the same thing," he said.Keberadan new known victims of the family after catching HN took the victim out of his home. Previously, the victim's parents went to HN's home, but his family seemed to hide his son's whereabouts: "We asked the two men to be arrested. ", Said the mother of the victim accompanying his son, while the head of SPKT Polresta Palembang Iptu Herry said that the report was delegated to the Protection of Women and Children of Satreskrim. We have directly received APP investigators, "he said. ***
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