Australia halts direct aid to Palestine


Australia ceased to provide direct badistance to the Palestinian Authority (PA), Foreign Minister Julie Bishop stating that donations can increase the ability of the Palestinian Authority to pay Palestinians convicted of political violence. After writing to the PA at the end of May to ask for badurance that Australian aid is not intended for convicted persons, Australia is sending about 10 million dollars to help the Palestinian territories and will now provide direct funding. through the United Nations.

Some coalition politicians, including Eric Abetz, have expressed concerns about the use of money sent by the World Bank to fund violence in the Palestinian territories.

Bishop believes that Australian funds are not used inappropriately. "I am convinced that previous Australian funding to the PA through the World Bank has been used correctly," he said in a statement

"However, I am concerned by providing them with this money, they can use their own budget. "Any badistance provided by the Palestine Liberation Organization to those found guilty of political violence is an affront to Australian values ​​and undermines the prospect of violence. a real peace between Israel and the Palestinians. "He added:"

Australia is allocating $ 43 million to help humanity in the region for the current fiscal year, beginning on July 1.

Australia followed in the United States

In March, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated the US government for issuing rules that suspended some of the financial aid Palestinians or imprisoned in the battle with Israel.

Netanyahu says that the so-called Taylor Force Act, derived from the name of an American killed in Israel by a Palestinian in 2016, a "strong signal from the United States that is changing the rules" with cutting hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority for it to invest in terrorism.
Palestinians say the family is being abused

  A wounded Palestinian was evacuated.
A wounded Palestinian was evacuated.

Reuters: Mohammed Salem

Palestinian leader Nabil Abu Radeneh condemned the rule, saying it "does not allow an atmosphere conducive to peace".

Abetz Welcomes Bishop's Decision

"It is very important that we ensure that Palestinian aid can no longer use our help to free up money in its budget for the terrorism promoted by the state, "said Abetz. The UN 's financial badistance to help promote terrorism and channel our aid to the Palestinian territories through the UN will provide greater badurance that a smart accounting system will be used. Palestinian Authority will not be able to arrive. Gaza where the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate.

ABC / AP [19659002] Share the story in English here.

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