Use the scarf, Ayu Ting Ting again accused of "plagiarism" Style Nagita Slavina


  Using the scarf, Ayu Ting Ting again accused of the style "Plagiarism" Nagita Slavina

The appearance of Ayu Ting Ting with the following scarf is bound to imitate the style of Nagita Slavina.

Ayu Ting Ting is one of the best artists with various activities. However, that does not necessarily mean that Ayu forgets his only daughter, Bilqis.

Through his account Instagram, @ mom_ayting92_ the mother of Ayu put online the complicity of his daughter with Bilqis. In the short video he uploaded, Ayu and Bilqis were playing trampolines.

" His son dared to fear his mother ," wrote Ayu's mother on Monday (2/7). " It's nice to play at sma bundanya @ ayutingting92 ."

Looking at the picture, Netter misjudged the appearance of Ayu wearing a scarf around his neck. One of the net again criticized the appearance of Ayu who boasted the style Nagita Slavina .

" All scarf pake ," wrote the account angel _ *** . " Ngikutin mbk adapted his style ."

These comments are supported by an upload account @bukanfansss on Monday (2/7). The download shows the appearance of Nagita who also wore a scarf around the neck.

 Nagita Style Slavina "width =" 720 "height =" 463


Seeing this, the netter is more and more badured if Ayu mimics the appearance of Nagita. According to Netter, many other artists are better performers than always cheating style Nagita.

"" While many styles are better than mbak teeth, To knpa that diplibaat mba teeth continue.If I become mba dent risih kaliyaa.Japok may be stalking fashion mbak teeth tuhh which is used lgsung buy same ", commented the account @siskaa *** ." Cook yes for the daily style, he wrote the guard-team dress (bencongnya bs aja team who needs to see the style of mamagigi) it's complicated, yes, replied another netter.

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