A recent data leak of a Geekbench benchmark test revealed that the 2018 iPhone would be more "deadly" than ever before.
At least one of the last three iPhone models will this year have an A12 chipset, manufactured directly by TSMC and has six hex-core core like the A11, as cited by Geekbench (3/7).
Not only that, the latest iPhone models that pbad the benchmark tests are known to have 4GB of RAM. Just for information, currently the iPhone 8 alone has 2GB of RAM while the iPhone 8 Plus and the iPhone X only has 3GB. Of another aside, a number of Android smartphones already have a 4GB line of RAM. Could be, it is the first model of iPhone that has 4 GB of RAM.
Unfortunately, we do not have more information on which model will have 4GB of RAM in it. If only I could guess, it looks like the iPhone Xs Plus with a 6.5 inch screen will have it.
Geekbench iPhone Xs Plus 2018 Benchmark
On the other hand, the benchmark test results show a multi-core score of 10,912 and a single-core score of 4,673
Just for information only, this year Apple is expected to launch three new iPhone models The first is a sequel to the iPhone X with an OLED 5.8in screen with the name of the iPhone Xs. Second, the iPhone Xs Plus will be a "monster" with a 6.5-inch OLED display. While the latter was often called the iPhone 9. Well, for the iPhone 9 is likely to be the cheapest model of the three because it only uses the iPhone. LCD screen and has only one camera at the back. It does not have 3D Touch.
Most likely, these three new iPhone models will be released in September. Same with the habits of Apple in previous years. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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