MAKASSAR, KOMPAS.com – Video circulating supposedly Rp 30 billion money transported by KM Lestari Maju ferry that was rushed at the time of sinking near the regency of Selayar Islands, South Sulawesi, Tuesday (3 / 7/2018).
The 17-second video of 2 seconds circulates, it seems that several pbadengers of KM Lestari Maju were wearing lifejackets floating in the sea. Meanwhile, around the victims, there were pieces of red paper that would have cost 30 billion Rp scattered in the sea.
It is not known who took the video, that it be taken by residents or pbadengers KM Lestari Maju evacuated (19459004) The chief of public relations police South Sulawesi, brother Dicky Sondani, confirmed that he could not confirm the pieces of paper the red color is Rp 30 billion.
"We have not been able to confirm it, that 30 billion Rp be brought to the Regency of Selayar scattered in the sea. But given the bumps and the red-red color, like kayak ticket hundred thousand dollars, "he said.
Dicky revealed, some KM Lestari Maju pbadengers who transported 139 people were evacuated to the mainland. But some of the pbadengers, have still not been successfully evacuated from KM Lestari Maju deliberately dikandaskan before drowning.
"KM Lestari Maju will soon be moored on the pier, yes about 15 minutes or about 200 meters from the jetty, so it was deliberately demolished, because the water filled the hull of the ship due to leaks "
See also: Rp 30 billion wrecked vessels at Selayar for the 13th salary of PNS
Kompas TV KM Lestari Maju which is submerged in the waters of Selayar Sulawesi Selatan , also carrying money worth 30 billion rupees. [if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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