Difficult to meet a child, Iwa K Pocket Selfi Nafilah Statement


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM Iwa K was disturbed by the gana-gini costume filed by his ex-wife, Selfi Nafilah. While initially their relationship was well established, until then emerged a situation where Iwa K was having trouble meeting her son.

Iwa K admitted to being unable to access his son. He also denied Selfi's statement, which admitted allowing him to come if he wanted to meet the child.

"WA I blocked, my access by instagram my son is also blocked. Later I will see the capture of WA him to me." Iwa K told the East Jakarta Religious Court on Tuesday (3 / 7). [I9659004] Iwa K has trouble meeting children. (Seno / tabloidbintang.com) "/>

Iwa K is struggling to meet a child. (Seno / tabloidbintang.com)

Iwa K just wanted to tell the truth about the incident. do not be disappointed or angry Iwa K just wants to explain the real case for the baby

"I'm not disappointed, my life is grateful to continue, there is something to fix in this kebersyat, c & 39 is a doang.It's not that I'm disappointed It's for the sake of my child, "he said.

The children's lawsuit, says Iwa K, did not does not mean that it should be done legally.Because Iwa K pretends tetep responsible for the fulfillment of the needs of his child

"I do home also for children, no one, so do not try d & # 39; To use the child for his benefit, that's all, "pungkas Iwa K .

(tov / ari)

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