Arief Rivan's last post before age

[ad_1], Jakarta The world of fun entertainment is back in the cover of grief. The main actor, Arief Rivan left yesterday forever, Tuesday (3/7). The man who was known for his role in the soap opera Midun was the last gasp at his residence in Beji, Depok, West Java.

Before his death, Arief had left a message to his children. From prayer, to entrust his children, everything is not missed by the 66-year-old man

"Daddy is always a message," Do you daddy yes "Papa (Arief) is always a message, saying ] every night, "said Ory, the deceased son, quoted by one of the media online, on Wednesday (4/7). It's different with Gio who is also the son of the deceased.

"I just got back from the office daddy said, 'Gio, already daddy God trust you, brother brother. (19459008) dengerin Just "yes pa," we stay in the room, "says Gio. [19659002] As reported previously, the deceased Arief Rivan died, because of a heart attack. It is said that the family, he had a history of heart disease for a year.

Apparently this is the reason why there are no gravestones and flowers in the grave of Harry Moekti

Before Death, Arief Rivan Drop at the Location

Arief Rivan abandoned while he was on the set. "It was at the fall of so it should be filmed by dad for a long time, but it was not loud enough, so stop," says Ory.

As we know, the last film played by the father of four is Wild Woman . In addition to the film, Arief starred in a soap opera entitled Tjekang Ojek Pangkalan .

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