Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 official rendition begins to be revealed


<img width = "696" height = "522" clbad = "entry-thumb td-modal-image" src = " Galaxy-Tab-S4-696×522.jpg "srcset ="×522.jpg 696w, https: // oketekno. com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Samsung-Galaxy-Tab-S4-300×225.jpg 300w, -768×576.jpg 768w,×60.jpg 80w, /2018/07/Samsung-Galaxy-Tab-S4-265×198.jpg 265w,×420.jpg 560w, https : // 800w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 "
Copyright © FixiHow – Soon the Samsung company will launch its new tablet that should be present d in the near future. The Galaxy Note 9, but we can not either leave the development information on Tablet devices that will still be launched even if the market is weakened.The last device that will be launched this time is Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 [19659003] After long rumors about Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 is spreading in the Internet world, this time the official rendering of the latest South Korean tablet began to reveal itself.In the information was revealed that the last tab of Samsung is later will be present in the black and gray variant.

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For further information yet unrevealed and if Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 will also get special color variants like editions previous or not yet.

  Rendering Samsung Galaxy Tab S4
Copyright © gizmochina

But if, if we consider, in the design business Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 this is not too different compared to Galaxy Tab S3. Almost all the body is the same, except for the existing logo on the bottom of the device is different, if previously written "Tuned by AKG", this time changed to "Samsung | Tuning by AKG"

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Previously, Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 was revealed on the HTML5 benchmark and there are some certifications already mentioned that this tablet will come with a 16:10 screen size and will have a bezel size thinner on each side.

The change in appearance that occurs on the front is the loss of the samsung logo usually embedded in the screen. Most likely, the game will be used as a scanner of the iris camera cameras. While for the bottom of the telescope no longer has the home button.

Then for commercial performance is still not revealed, but many Samsung enthusiasts who hope that Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 will be supported with Snapdragon 835 chip and supported 64GB.

Later for its release, whether with the Galaxy Note 9 in early August 2018 to come or perhaps Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 has its own launch event is also still unknown. Let's wait for the next official information.

Read also: Samsung's cooperation with Fujifilm to develop ISOCELL Plus, for Galaxy Note 9

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